A few writing excerpts below, in English and French:
“A hop and a bop and a brushstroke of green. The tune sways on my canvas as the music plays on and on, in an endless line that keeps curving and curbing in a spiral. At last a drum roll and the spiral finds its circle and the melody flows and the colours dance and dance and dance. The whiteness of the canvas, the silence of my house – no longer. Black and blue with pink and yellow and a dash of grey with lilac and a hooker’s green to boot. Dancing. My arm is twirling along to the beat, my body is processing the different planes, my mind a wonder, pulsing as the tune grows, it bends and folds and comes back again. Music and the blues, the reds too could not, would not have possibly been without a murmur first, a voice that bellows the world to see and echoes since forever on the ancient walls of the caverns to stand silent no more. The voice becomes a roar, a Do so to speak and the Do is set aglow, and begins to rise, to take on a shape and then, so do colours too. The melody takes a step forward, does a little twirl and a hop and a bop and a brushstroke of green.”
- Vanessa, excerpt from the catalogue for the exhibition entitled ‘Red City and Nights in Lace’, Agial Art Galelry – 2021
“Peut-être pensez-vous qu’en tant que peintre mes armes sont dérisoires mais sachez qu’à travers la peinture, je m’exprime, et toute voix qui parvient à s’élever au-dessus du chaos dans lequel nous vivons est un cri d’espoir, espoir qui grandit lorsque les voix de tout un chacun s’unissent pour former un chœur.”
- Vanessa, extrait du texte ’Avant d’être artiste…’ , Colloque International USEK / Gerphau / L’Institut Français, “Beyrouth: Signes, Symboles, Mémoire(s) d’une Métamorphose” – 2016